David Dunne’s work manifests in the interconnection between art, nature, science and technology, Dunne’s practice embraces Installation, Sculpture, Photography, Video and Live art. The primary aesthetic is through expropriation, entropy and recontextualization. 

His work has been influenced by the Arte Povera movement in making site-specific interventions evolving from ideas of entropy and the human condition. In recent work Dunne has developed an ongoing project on the South coast of Morocco, documenting the social, ecological and architectural structures of the Berber / Amazigh Haha tribe in the region of Ait Tamer. 





















Industry of War Project 2025/ 2026.

Casting in Tim Morris Foundry





















Industry of War Project 2025/ 2026

Casting in the Tim Morris Foundry.























Title: Beneath the veneer, a storm rages.

Medium : Wood and acrylic.

Dim:77 x 58 x 83.
























Title: Paralysis. (Lähmung)

Medium: Wood, barley, steel and electrical elements

Dim: 218 x 70 x 120 cm.

Co Wicklow, Ireland 2021.

























Title: Paralysis. (Lähmung)

Medium: Wood, barley, steel and electrical elements.

Dim: 218 x 70 x 120 cm.

Co Wicklow, Ireland 2021.
























Title: Corridor.

Medium: Timber & Galvanised Steel wire

Site-specific Installation.

WerkStadt Arts Union

Berlin-Neukolln, Germany. 2019

Curators: Jule Böttner, Jason Benedict.



















Corridor a para-site-specific real time experiment collaboration with Berlin based P.u.r.e Collective.

Agna Anderson, Maria Ferrara, Dodi Helschinger, Susanne Soldan.

Werkstadt Kulturverein Berlin e. V. Berlin-Neukölln 2019.

Video still: © Florence Freitag.























Corridor a para-site-specific real time experiment collaboration with Berlin based P.u.r.e Collective.

Agna Anderson, Maria Ferrara, Dodi Helschinger, Susanne Soldan.

Werkstadt Kulturverein Berlin e. V. Berlin-Neukölln 2019.

Video still: © Florence Freitag.



Title: Walkthrough.

Site-specific interactive Installation.

Threshold, The adjecent possible , Not Just Collective.

The Tapestry, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Photo ,© Kevin Newbold, 2018.






































Title: The point of no return.

Site-specific Installation.

Institut Potemkin, Begehungen No 14, Chemnitz, Germany 2017.




Site-specific Installation.

Mixed Media & archival electrical elements.

Not Quite, Fengersfors, Dalsland, Sweden. 2018


Site-specific Installation.

Mixed Media & archival electrical elements.

Not Quite, Fengersfors, Dalsland, Sweden, 2018.


Site-specific Installation.

Timber & archival electrical element.

Laxarby, Dalsland, Sweden, 2018.

Die Wende -The Turning point.

Site-Specific Installation

Mixed Media & Archival electrical elements

Franz Fleming Str 9, Leipzig, Germany 2017.

Die Wende 2017

Digital Projection

Pilotenkueche, International Art Program, Halla 14 Spennerie, Leipzig, Germany

Field /antenna.

Galvanised steel, electrical cable and bees wax.

Pilotenkueche, International Art Program, Halla 14, Spennerie, Leipzig, Germany 2017.


Archival electrical element.

Site-Specific Installation.

Laxarby, Dalsland, Sweden 2018.


Silver birch, audio speakers and audio.

Machine Halla, Not Quite, Fengerfors, Sweden 2016.

The compelling dream of itself.

Site specific Installation.

Laxarby, Dalsland, Sweden 2016.

Our understanding predicts its own failure.

Mixed Media, Site Specific Installation.

Not Quite ,Fengerfors, Sweden 2015

Power station.

Site specific installation.

Not Quite, Fengerfors, Sweden 2015.


Site specific installation

Not Quite, Fengerfors, Sweden. 2015

The Memory of Water_

Site-specific Multi-media installation.

Open ev+a Limerick City Gallery. Limerick, Ireland 2002.

Awarded ev+a Open International Award. 

Curator, Apinan Poshyananda.

Director, Bangkok Art Biennale.